Friday, April 22, 2011

Jackson & Daddy

Jackson and Mike already have such a special relationship. Jackson really responds to Mike's voice and calm demeanor. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful partner to share in our growing family.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One-Month Baby

Things to remember about our one-month old boy:
* weighs between 9 and 10 lbs
* still loves to look/be outside
* legs are getting very chunky
* hates to be diapered or dressed
* loves to cuddle, especially at night
* sleeps most in the late afternoon, not at night yet
* enjoys bath time at night
* smiles only in his sleep or after a good poop - we can't wait for the real thing!!
* will only take a pacifier for a few minutes before spitting it out (not taking a bottle well yet either)
* make the cutest 'O' face when he looks at his daddy

We love you so much Jackson! This month has gone by so fast, I look forward to seeing what another month will bring!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


3 weeks

Jackson has changed so much already. He is much more alert and aware of his mommy and daddy. He loves to look at our faces, outdoors and at the lights from the television. He has been struggling with some tummy troubles the last few days but we are hoping to get that cleared up soon. He is a very content baby and is growing like a weed. We are very in love with our little boy.

beautiful sleeping baby

happy after a meal

tummy time

He really does love daddy

going for a walk

making faces

so precious

lounging in the boppy

looking outside

dinner at Bonefish Grill

Grandma too

copying daddy

getting some love before bed