Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas!

7 Months (30 weeks) Christmas Weekend

Mike & Britt Christmas 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A few Projects

I have really enjoyed crocheting more as my activity level has remained a bit lower since becoming pregnant. I have been cleared to do everything for a while, but I am starting to get more tired again as the 3rd trimester progresses.

Morgan's hat

Red Scarf for me

Jackson's coming home outfit

Such a fun hobby to have! I am thankful to be keeping my hands busy during the weekends. I have many more projects that I have done, but those will have to be posted after Christmas!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Third Trimester

I know that all I post about these days are the baby and my belly, but I can't seem to think of much else that is so important. I would post more crochet projects, but they are all gifts at this point!


That means only 13 weeks left, eek!

A few stats for our records:
* baby has just started to kick me in the ribs (last 2 days)
* breathing is getting more difficult
* mama's weight gain 12-13lbs
* baby should be about 2lbs this week
* belly from pelvic bone to top of uterus is about 12 inches
* Mike is off to California for the week- it is hard to be alone!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Watching Morgan

Last night, we took Morgan for the evening while Matt & Lori went out for their companies Holiday Party. It was a learning experience, but we had a lot of fun.

Some things I learned:
* Swaddling is great
* Libby is going to be very jealous of Jackson
* Babies eat and spit up a lot!
* and..........

*Mike is so good with babies! She fell asleep in his arms right away. I think he has a very calm way about him that settled her down - so good!

I am so thankful he is my partner when Jackson comes... I think I will re-name Mike the baby-whisperer.

Funny Mike quote from the night: "I didn't realize you hog-tie babies when you put them to sleep" (In reference to swaddling). 

Friday, November 26, 2010

6 Months

Every month, I decide that I 'pop' -- its a fun surprise to see how much my belly has grown in the past few months/weeks (!). Here we are at 26 weeks (about 6 months), 21 weeks ( about 5 months) and 5 weeks.

Worth remembering: Mike tried to hear baby's heartbeat last night with his stethoscope. He didn't get a heartbeat but he got a pretty loud noise from Jackson kicking that cold piece of metal tool half-way through the search. I guess with all of the movement, I don't really care if we can hear the heartbeat at home... I know he is doing well. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Photo Shoot: Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving Day this year was very relaxed. We enjoyed sleeping in, cooked a chicken-- the perfect size for two, Skyped with our families, walked and played with Libby, and ate a delicious meal of chicken/potato casserole/veggies/apple crisp. Before dinner was ready, we decided to try and get a few pictures.... it ended up pretty funny because we are not so good at the timer on our camera.


Playing around
Where is Mike?
Where are Mike's eyes?
There we go!
Libby Wants in.
All three (or four!)
Britt, Libby, Baby Belly
last picture... I made Mike uncomfortable. ha ha.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

hats, hats, hats

I've been keeping myself busy with some fun craft projects lately... moving on to scarfs and stuffed animals!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

24 Weeks

Baby seems to be growing by the minute, so we took a picture at 24 weeks (somewhere between 5 and 6 months). I thought this would be a good way to compare an exact date with the belly of future pregnancies, too.

                                    24 Weeks                                                      21 weeks (5 mths)


WOW! This is the first time that I have compared them side by side. This baby and belly are growing quickly! This would explain the sudden onset of heartburn and round ligament pain I have been experiencing... ha. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

We are getting excited!

As the weeks pass, I think Mike and I are starting to realize that we are bringing home a baby in a few months. It hasn't seemed very real to either of us-- outside of the ever expanding tummy. Maybe it was Morgan's arrival that has put things into perspective? Or maybe its because baby seems to be moving and growing a lot lately. Not sure... but, we are getting excited!

Last night when I went to bed, Mike stayed up to play his video game (let's be honest... most people our age don't go to bed at 10pm on a Saturday night). In any case, it was the first time that he wanted to add a kiss goodnight to my belly for Jackson (on top of the one I normally get). I loved it. I can't wait to see Mike as a father. I get glimpses when he cuddles and plays with Libby. Yep, our dog. He is so caring and funny. I wonder if Jackson will take after him? I hope so.

As reality hits and my stomach muscles hurt... I have been spending time teaching myself to crochet.

The first little hat that I made... more to come, I hope!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Growing Baby Continued

5 Months

A few stats for our records:
* 21 weeks
* Baby weighs 12 oz
* Mama's gained 7 lbs
* Papa's gained a few too
* Cleared to increase activity, I will probably add some walking and prenatal yoga
* Baby is most active around 2pm and 6 or 7pm- mostly after meals
* No cravings or food aversions

We are signing up tomorrow for our birth/newborn and breast feeding class at Shady Grove Hospital where we will deliver the baby. We are taking these a little early since it will be the holidays and then Mike could be gone on interviews. I can't believe how fast this Winter will go by and then he will be here. I can't wait to hold, snuggle and kiss him! 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Welcome Baby Morgan!

Morgan Joan Siuta

8 lbs 9 oz  ~ October 18, 2010

Morgan, I am so excited for you to arrive. Your mama and I have been dreaming about you since we met. You are so beautiful and strong-willed, just like your mother. I pray for you a life of happiness and love. You have amazing parents, what a great start! I am already in awe of how precious you are. I can't wait to spend time together this Fall!

Mike's ACCP Meeting

Mike has been in Texas for the last few days so that he can present a poster on diabetes at the ACCP meeting. He worked on this project with Kathy, one of his fellow students, and it turned out great!

He also had the opportunity to speak with the University of Minnesota residency director today at the residency showcase. It sounds like a great program and Mike will most likely apply. That makes me very happy.

I am a very proud wife, even though I hate when he is gone!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Things I've Learned (so far) from Preganancy

1. Pregnancy is not a walk in the park.
For some reason, I thought pregnancy would be so easy! Oh, how I had been fooled. The nausea, ligament pain, constant weight gain no matter what you do, restricted activity, lack of caffeine. Although it is exciting and amazing, it isn't easy that's for sure. But, try to tell me that before I got pregnant-- no way! I must give Mike a shout out now for being so patient and loving with me.

2. The best things in life come to those who wait.
At the beginning, all I wanted was to rush through this pregnancy and have the baby. Now, I want to keep the baby in as long as possible.

3. You never know what someone is going through until you have.
This is probably the most important thing of all. I truly now believe that it is very hard to completely understand something until you have gone through it yourself. I don't know why I never realized this before.

4. I'm pretty lucky.
Sacrificing my body and my wants for 9 months is totally worth it. Every time I feel a kick or get to have a sonogram and see our growing baby I am reminded at how special it is. Sometimes I'll catch myself walking by a mirror and think-- I am so lucky to get to carry this baby and experience everything so intimatly. Our lives are forever changed, and at the end of the day, I am thankful.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mike's New Suit

Just wanted to show off how good looking my husband is-- here is a sneak peak at his new suit for the upcoming interviews he will have this winter!

We can't wait to find out what residency or job offers he will get! Let's hope all the hard work will pay off.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I felt that!

Last night, our little boy was being pretty active around 9pm. He kept moving in one area on my tummy so I had Mike put his hand there to see if he could feel what I was. It took some time, but I felt a movement and Mike said 'I felt that!' and a big grin came over his face.

I love this look that Mike gets. He doesn't get excited... at least not like I do. But, if I could take a picture of when he felt the kick, when he found out we were having a boy and when he found out I was pregnant, that would be priceless to me.

For our records, Mike felt the 'kick' exactly at 18 weeks.

I can't believe we still have 22 to go. I think that parenting has already started to teach me patience and the importance of waiting for the good things in life. I'm so excited for our little boy to be ready for the world!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nursery Thoughts...

Dreaming about a nursery for our little boy (whenever we get to put one together!) and thought I'd share some fun ideas and rooms that I like so far!

I really like a fresh/clean/theme-less look for the nursery.

Which one do you like??

Friday, October 1, 2010

Our Movin' and Groovin' BOY!

We are having a BOY! We even have a name-- It really hasn't wavered since before we got pregnant. He will be named:

Jackson Thomas Akers

More exciting news...

I felt him move for the first time (or at least the first time I knew it was him) yesterday right before I left work for the day. He must have been getting ready to go home too! 

I can't wait until Mike is able to feel this little boy kick-- it is just amazing. Every time we have an ultrasound, he seems to be moving around a lot so I hope that I can feel him often as the weeks pass. It is so reassuring that everything is going well inside his little womb.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Growing Baby...

4 Months

This month has had it's challenges for Mike and I. I've been to more doctor appointments and had more sonograms than I thought I would throughout my entire pregnancy after a scare at 14 weeks. But, despite some of the tough things that have happened, both baby and I are doing well!

I am currently on 'modified best rest' (at least that is what I call it). I go to work, but that is about the extent to my activity. I don't walk the dog, go grocery shopping, clean the house, or do an unnecessary chores that are on my feet. It has been interesting and somewhat frustrating, but I am slowly feeling better. 

I will be seeing a specialist every other week to keep an eye on me and baby. Mike has been a total trooper with helping out and I am being monitored closely which makes me feel good to know I am so well cared for. 

Here are some pictures from our last few visits and my belly at 4 months. Baby is really growing!!

Profile at 16 weeks

Baby's lower back and legs

Belly :)

How can you love someone you have never met? I'm forever attached  and in awe of this little baby...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Baby Akers

At 14 1/2 weeks....

We do know what we are having... but we want to keep it a secret for a little bit.

Waving at Mommy and Daddy :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Angel Baby Will

I finally got to meet the newest love of my life over Labor Day Weekend 2010. William Alexander Plessel is such a sweet baby. He is still so small, at first I was nervous to hold him, but I got used to it pretty quick!

A few pictures from the few days I got to enjoy with my sister, family and sweet baby...

Proud Auntie

Mama and Baby after Brunch on Friday morning

He eats every few hours-- just like me! :)

hangin' out with Grandma Hegquist

Tough Day

Tough days make me cry, they make me shake, they make me tired and worn down, they make me vulnerable, they make me question my faith, they challenge how strong I am, they put life into perspective and make me realize my greatest fears.

Then they make me take a deep breath, they make me find hope and they make me move forward fighting the fear that follows because I realize that I have little control over what happens and all I can do is hope.

... and, sometimes-- at least this time-- what the Universe deals us is much better than all of the things I could have imagined. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Belly Bumped and Bargain Shopping

3 Months
Baby is growing!!!

Since Mike is still finishing school, and summer brings garage sales...  I have been doing some hunting for bargains for the baby. It's amazing what people just want to get out of their house! Plus, these few things are basically all the 'major' items we will need for the first few weeks until we get more permanently settled wherever Mike takes a job or residency!

Pack N' Play (to serve as a crib & changing table for a little while)

So precious... except Libby would like to get in it

The stroller/car seat/base combo

I met this really sweet woman who is having her last baby, but her previous two she had in February and March, so she is getting rid of a bunch of nice Fall/Winter maternity wear... couldn't pass this up!

Sweater and twill work pants

Three more sweaters

Maternity Jeans -- just in time!
...and they are Citizens of Humanity :)

To get the real picture of what they look like

She also gave me a diaper bag she used like 5 times for free... it retails for $60.

It was so fun to meet such a nice woman and she was so sweet to sell/give me some of her maternity and baby things! I had a fun weekend finding a few great things and saving a ton of money!! I think Mike was happy to hear that "I'll be done for a while" though :)